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STEP 1: Join A FAMILY Group


FAMILY Groups have one simple purpose:

to bring people together.


We believe that God created us to live in relationship with others and that God works best in community. Our FAMILY Groups meet in various locations, twice a month. They provide an opportunity for you to grow in faith, discuss life’s challenges, have fun, and care for each others’ needs.

As The Church grows we understand there is extreme value in staying "small". FAMILY Groups are simply small groups made up of 10-15 people. 

Here we do life together.

STEP 2: growth track


God has an incredible purpose for your life, and our growth track is designed to help you connect with that purpose.


At both of the two 75-minute sessions, you’ll dive into the culture, values, and beliefs of Minco Assembly  In addition, you’ll discover your purpose, and how to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. 


Growth track happens regularly, so jump in at any time!



We believe everything is better when we serve together.


We know that God has a special place for you to fit; where you can use your unique gifts, abilities, heart, passion, personality and experiences to touch the lives of others and change the world around us.


every week our team members strengthen relationships while making a difference.

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